msxDS 0.88

Ya hay nueva versión de este emulador para la Nintendo DS, quizá el más conocido. Las novedades son las siguientes:

  • Optimizado el códido para la emulación del Z80
  • Añadida la emulación del mando tipo Arkanoid
  • Añadido el mapeado de los botones L y R para los siguientes juegos en versión ROM:
    • Borfesu and Five Evil Spirits (L/R= ESC)
    • Caos Begins (L=F1, R=F2)
    • Dragon Slayer IV (L=ESC, R=RET)
    • Higemaru (L/R= F1)
    • Hinotori (L=F2, R=F3)
    • King Kong 2 (L/R=F2)
    • The Maze of Galious (L/R=F1)
    • The Treasure of Usas (L=F1, R=F2)
    • x0rz (A=SPACE, B=m)
    • Yaksa (L=F1, R=F2)

Enlace relacionado: msxDS.

37 comentarios sobre «msxDS 0.88»

  1. Juraría que lo he copiado todo bien pero no me chutan los L y R en el Caos Begins. ¿Os va? Si no tendré que volver a repetir la opreación.

  2. «Juraría que lo he copiado todo bien pero no me chutan los L y R en el Caos Begins.»

    Kaos begin working with L & R buttons for CRC32 44421F97. Please, Can you give me the CRC32 of the ROM you use?

  3. No sé eso del Crc32, pero juraría que la versión que tengo debe ser la que se pudo bajar en su día del concurso msx-dev. ¿Hay otra versión diferente? Si me dices cómo se mira eso lo haré cuando llegue a casa.

  4. He probado algunos de la lista, lo que pasa es que tengo en la DS versiones traducidas principalmente.

    Hinotori English : OK

    Usas Spanish (Locomoxca) : no funciona L y R.

    Maze of Galious : OK

    Borfes English : No arranca el juego.

    King Kong 2 jap : OK

    King Kong 2 Django/imanok : no funciona L y R

    Dragon Slayer 4 msx2 (English?) : no funciona L y R

  5. Please refer to the msxDS manual to obtain the crc32 checksum of a ROM.
    msxDS to go by the crc32 in order to assign the buttons L/R.

  6. Popolon, tonight I’ll test it. The roms I usually play on emulators are translated versions or modified like Salamnder with msx2 palette, etc…

  7. Magnifique Popolon!!! Merci!

    Great job!

    Pues eso, funciona de coña. Si hay que hacer esto por cada versión diferente de cada juego … eso sí es un caos. ;P

  8. There is no miraculous ways to recognize a ROM that has been modified. Fortunately, this concerns only a few ROMs.

    Please, can you give me the CRC32 other ROMs that do not work with L & R ?

  9. Dragon Slayer 4 english : CBD4A235

    Borfes English : F2F2F0C8 (no arranca)

    USAS Spanish : 7B05CF66

    I’ve tested more games. Gradius 3 is fastest then normal msx speed. Ikari crahes after plane lands.

  10. The speed problem with certain MSX game is known. It will be solved with version V0.89. Borfes for English version, simply add the ROM crc32 in carts.crc file of /MSXDS directory for the Mapper recognition

    Can you test this version with ROM Ikari, Usas, Dragon Slayer and Borfes ?

  11. Yes I’ve tested them. All games works fine, except Ikari that the skin of our character is black!!!

    Another game that doesnt’t work is Arsene Lupin Castle of Cagliostro (C4096E6B).

  12. Hello Popolon! I’m Myselfo in the gbatemp forum, the one sending Supercarte some ideas about speeding up the Z80 emulation. I just wanted to say hello 🙂 And I guess you’re implementing frame-limiter, that would be nice!

  13. Hello,

    Supercarte sent me your recommendations for msxDS. It is being planned for the next version of the emulator. With the speed increase, it became necessary. This should also solve some problem with sound in some games.


    This new version should work normally with Ikari and Aserne Lupin. Please, can you try again?

  14. Thank you. There are still lots of work. Each of your comments helped me to improve emulation. Feel free to leave a comment whenever you find a problem.

  15. Hi,

    It’s me the beta tester. The problem with Nausicaa is known.

    Known problems with games in ROM :

    – Devil’s Heaven (Paxon) : The alternate version only works.
    – Dig-Dug (Namco) : Crash in MSX2 et MSX2+ mode when the player dies.
    – Dragon Slayer 2 – Xanadu (Falcom) : The game doesn’t start.
    – Manbow 2 : The flash isn’t emulated.
    – Manbow 2 without save : Some graphical bugs.
    – Nausicaa (Tecnopolis Soft) : Doesn’t work.
    – Mokari Makka – Bochibochi Tenna! (Leben Pro) : Some Keyboard issues.
    – Norseman (Electric Software) : Works in MSX1 mode only and a few Keyboard bugs.
    – Retaliot (Video Hazard Electronic) : Doesn’t work. (multi-color screen)
    – Seleniak (Hal Laboratory) : Doesn’t work. (The «CPU TIMING ERROR» message appears..)
    – Sweet Acorn (Taito) : Sound issues. (No sound from stage 2)
    – Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (Mirrorsoft) : Some graphical bugs.
    – Wizardry (ASCII) : Doesn’t work.
    – Word Invaders (SapphiRe Soft) : Keyboard issues.
    – Zukkoke Yajikita Onmitsu Douchuu (Hal) : Many crashes in MSX2 mode and some crashes in MSX2+ mode.

  16. Popolon, I haven’t heard from Supercarte for some days, maybe he has not seen the messages I sent him saying that I implemented the M1 waitstates in dingux-msx (also fMSX-based) and now Seleniak works, no more «CPU timing error» 🙂 I can send you the modified sourcecode or more details if you wish, it was much easier than I thought.

  17. Yes, thank you. Supercarte forwarded me your message. Now Seleniak and Retalio, run on msxDS. It is possible that this will solve other problems, but it is being tested.

  18. Great! 🙂 I guess you have already seen it but just in case: accepting an interrupt must also increment ICOunt, and this was NOT implemented in fMSX. The exact number of cycles is different for each IM mode, but I don’t have them handy right now.

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