
Dioniso ha compartido el MSX Datapack con todos nosotros a modo de regalo de Navidad. Y desde aquí todos se lo agradecemos.

MSX Datapack es una obra publicada por ASCII que destripa por completo al estándar MSX con apartados que profundizan en el funcionamiento y la programación. La obra consta de tres libros (uno de ellos descubierto recientemente y que versa sobre el MSX turbo R) y un disco de 3,5″ con programas de ejemplo. Está en perfecto japonés pero hay un proyecto de traducción en marcha en los foros de Karoshi desde 2008.

Los tres volúmenes en PDF los he subido a Mediafire. Cada uno de ellos es de más de 100 megas, así que tened paciencia al descargarlos.

Agradezco a Dionisio las aclaraciones que ha hecho al respecto de esta obra.


20 comentarios sobre «MSX-Datapack»

  1. Unfortunately, the MSX DataPack Vol.2 seems to be corrupted. After page 21 it only have pages of the Vol.1

  2. Bad news… The new Vol.2 file also have the pages of Vol.1 from page 21 to the end… 🙁

    I did a diff and the new Vol.2 is exactly the same file as the previous Vol.2… Maybe you uploaded the unfixed file?

  3. Any news about fixing the Vol.2? Sorry to keep asking, but I’m really anxious about this volume since it describes the MSX-Audio standard and I would like to use this information on the MSX-Audio BIOS v1.2…

  4. Hi Dioniso!

    First, I would like to thank you for your effort on scanning and sharing this! 🙂

    Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticizing your work or anything. It’s just that I noticed this problem and I would like to see if it can be fixed.

    As you suggested, I redownloaded directly from the original link just to doublecheck and the problem is there on the original Vol.2 PDF file too.

    Please carefully check that from the page-31 of the PDF file (page 21 on the paper) to the end of the file, all pages shown came from the Vol.1 book. It’s also very easy to check it if you just go to the last page of the Vol.2 PDF file and see that on the bottom of the page it says «MSX-Datapack Volume 1».

    A step-by-step to reproduce the problem:
    1) Open _MSX_Vol_1.pdf and _MSX_Vol_2.pdf using Adobe Reader
    2) Press SHIFT+CRTL+L to put both side-by-side
    3) On _MSX_Vol_1.pdf, press SHIFT+CTRL+N and type 35 (PDF-page-35 will be displayed)
    4) On _MSX_Vol_2.pdf, press SHIFT+CTRL+N and type 31 (PDF-page-31 will be displayed)
    5) From this point, each page of the Vol.2 will be identical to the Vol.1 pages. Just scroll down both documents in sync and you’ll see it.

    Probably it was just an error when composing the Vol.2 PDF file and the pages came the Vol.1 TIFF files instead.

    I noticed the problem because the Vol.2 index mentions that its contents are the RS-232C, MSX-MODEM, MSX-MUSIC, MSX-AUDIO and MSX-JE. But unfortunately there’s just no such content on the current Vol.2 PDF file because of the Vol.1 pages that got there.

    Thanks again, and keep up the good work!

  5. Hi, FRS. I thought it was a mess with the image, that’s why I thought it was OK. But you are right: the share a lot of pages.

    I have to call the print which did the scans for me.

    Sorry for any inconvenience.

    1. Dioniso, no te olvides, por favor de avisarme cuando hayas podido corregir el error para actualizar la entrada del blog.

      Gracias de antemano 😉

  6. He actualizado el volumen 2 con el PDF correcto que me envió Dioniso. Ahora con un solo enlace vais a una carpeta en Mediafire que reúne a los tres volúmenes.

  7. Hola. En el enlace sólo aparecen 2 volúmenes el lugar de los 3 que lo
    componen. Y una pregunta, ¿el 2 volumen del enlace es el que está
    corregido?. Un saludo y gracias por todo el trabajo que realizas.

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